Saturday, March 6, 2010

Maybe You Should Stop Eating Children While They Dream.

Wow! I am so attractive.
So today was a slow day, you can tell by the fact that it is 11:49pm and I am still up. I pretty much lived today in my dads sweats and socks (paired with old striped tee), so I am not posting a picture. ha! Otherwise today was my father-daughter bonding day. We went out and bought me a new case for my net book (its so sexy and matches perfectly :D) and visited chapters, block buster and did some grocery shopping. Hope you guys had a lot of fun today and I will be going downtown to a shoe sale with my friend tomorrow. Can't wait.
~p.s. as I have already tweeted and facebooked -- just watched The Proposal for the 1 millionth time and it is sososososososogood!


  1. Have fun at the shoe sale!! And I love The Proposal...I have already seen it about 10 times and it is still so funny.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog!!

  2. thanks haha that last photo is not as beautiful, and j'aime le proposal.

    will post pictures and update my day out. xoxo.


thanks for commenting guys!